

取决于因子例如收到货物的类型, 仓库的空间大小, 每天的收货单数……处理收货和发货的方式也会因此存在差异。

Odoo允许有3种方式从仓库收货 :

  • One step: Receive goods directly in stock.
  • Two steps: Unload in input location then go to stock.
  • Three steps: Unload in input location, go through a quality control before being admitted in stock.

Odoo使用 路线 准确的定义了你如何进行收货步骤。该配置在仓库层面完成。标准状况下, 收货一步完成, 但是通过更改配置可以进行2或者3步收货。

原则如下 :

  1. One step: You receive the goods directly in your stock.
  2. Two steps: You receive the goods in an input area then transfer them from input area to your stock. As long as the goods are not transferred in your stock, they will not be available for further processing.
  3. Three steps: In many companies, it is necessary to assess the received good. The goal is to check that the products correspond to the quality requirements agreed with the suppliers. Adding a quality control step in the goods receipt process can become essential.

    你在收货区域接收货物, 然后转移货物到质检区域进行质量检验。当质量检验完成就可以把货物从质检区域移到库存。当然, 你可以更改数量并且只把满足质量标准的产品移到库存并把质量不过关的产品退回。





参阅文档 : : doc :[UNKNOWN NODE title_reference]


参阅文档 在收货时如何添加质量检验?(3步)